Photo by Ira Bratton
I’ve been up past midnight too many nights in the past month.
I know midnight is not late for some, but when you’ve got younger kids like I do you are going to be awake by 7 a.m. whether you like it or not, even when your body wants a full 8 hours of sleep. Some late nights I’ve been working to get a grant application in on time, other nights it’s been prepping to tour My Little Plastic Jesus out to southern Ontario. The limits of time and bodies; the realities of caring for and working with people. Even with the best time management skills (which I do not claim to have), it can seem like there is not enough time to do everything that feels expected of you. Whether those expectations come from within or from outside of you.
I recently heard the theologian Andrew Root talk about the way our modern society has become increasingly accelerated, and with this acceleration, we tend to think that our being busy is an indicator that we are leading a good life. But I don’t want to live that way - measuring my success by how busy I am. I would like my time to be measured by its quality, not by the quantity of it that’s filled with things to do.
One of my recent late nights came as a result, in part, because I took some time to intentionally gather with friends around a fire. We took time to slow down, to look at one another, to share stories. This is the kind of quality time I want, even if it keeps me up a little late. Truth be told, it’s part of why I am also putting in the time to tour My Little Plastic Jesus, because I love the quality of the conversations that emerge in the room when I share that show. I love taking time to be with people as they come together across differences to learn a little more about others and themselves.
My Little Plastic Jesus has two shows here in Saskatchewan before we tour it to southern Ontario this October. Find out more about where I’m touring and buy a ticket here - burnt-thicket-theatre.square.site
I am very grateful for the work I’ve been given to do. I like what I’m doing with my time. But I’m still trying to find a balance, and some days that balance gives way so I end up working past midnight, and then my five-year-old takes a funny picture of his sleepy parents.
Be Well
Spend some quality time with someone
Then Get Some Sleep