Over the past few months I’ve been having fun writing songs, recording songs, and teaching songs all in a joint effort with my friend Amanda Trapp to create the best sound design for not one but two Shakespearean plays. Romeo and Juliet opened on Friday, July 7, and As You Like It opens on Saturday, July 15. We’re in the final push now as I sit here in the sound booth doing levels for As You Like It. Just a few more long days and this show will be ready.
I’m really proud of the work we’ve done and it’s been a joy to be able to approach this kind of work in collaboration with another artist I love to work with. Don’t miss out on your chance to hear our songs and experience all the great work this company is doing as part of Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan’s 2023 season - shakespearesask.com/. And if you really like our music, Amanda and I will be releasing some of our original tracks from the show on Bandcamp throughout the summer - festeautolycus.bandcamp.com/.
I’ve been busy, busy working in theatre, and that is a great grace even when I find myself in need of a break. When As You Like It opens next weekend It’s going to be time for a little rest, but not much of one, because there are other projects on the horizon that are already demanding my attention.
I’m going to be hosting two concerts in The Bratton Backyard this summer. One just before my birthday on Friday, July 21, and then we’ll welcome my good friend Von Bieker on Friday, August 18. More details to follow here on The Bratton Backyard square site - bratton-backyard.square.site
I’m also very excited to be getting My Little Plastic Jesus back on the road this fall. I’m still pulling together all the details but I’ll be bringing the show to BC and Ontario with a few local shows here in Saskatoon just to get me ready for the road again. Stay Tuned for details - burntthicket.com/show/my-l…
I hope you go to Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan.
I hope you come to one of my backyard concerts.
I hope you find some time for rest.
I hope to see you around this Summer.