Here is a calendar of upcoming things that are important to me and that I think some other folk might want to know about. Some of these things are projects I’m involved in, some are things happening in my neighbourhood, some are connected to communities I’m a part of, and some are deeply personal to me and my family. This is my calendar of things I’m choosing to share with you, let me know if there is something you think should be a part of my calendar and I might be able to include it.

April 2024

April 25 to May 12
I’ve been putting together the sound design for this unique reimagining of Shakespeare’s literary masterpiece now with parts translated into French & Cree. This trilingual Lear will be presented without sur/subtitles, but even if you are totally monolingual like me I’m sure you’ll be able to follow the drama and appreciate the way the different languages serve the story.

May 2024

The Art of French Cooking
May 2 to May 12
You can see me play a variety of not-so-great men in an unbound absurdist comedy that is a feminist masterclass of self-discovery. The Art of French Cooking will be many things… but your average night at the theatre is NOT one of them.

Close Talker @ The Capitol
May 3 Close Talker are a great band from right here in Saskatoon. I’m digging their new album, the Sprawl, and after the Art of French Cooking on May 3rd I’m going to head over to The Capitol to watch Close Talker close out their tour.